
Jaimee Choos... has a nice ring to it, dunnit?

This is actually pretty cool...

Steve Madden lets you design your own shoes in the colors & styles you actually want (as opposed to having to live with whatever miserable selection is left in your size at their store).

(Thanks Shopahaulic!)


Anonymous said...

Hey Jaimee: Thanks for visiting me today. Love the custom shoe 'do, too.

I was recently researching for a pregnancy book I'm writing and stumbled upon a similarly fun diversion.

Check out hm.com (H & M)--if you haven't already. You can make a virtual model of yourself--including your waist, chest, and hips size. Way fun.

(Skip all the regional sorting, go straight from US selection to the main site by choosing "skip," wait a touch too long for the site to load, select "dressing room" and go!)


aka The Last-Minute Party Girl aka Glam.com lifestyle editor aka "Mommy"

Anonymous said...

P.S. Freaking LOVE your site!

yogaglamgirl said...

Jaimee Choos. JC, you're always good for a giggle. thx! it's nice to come here and play for a while.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

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